homo-dev-sapience has long ago gone beyond the software-development realm into others. for example releasing homo-sapience-sapience from the burden of eating - Soylent. Into aeronautics, medicine, physics and the rest of the world problems.

The way the homo-dev-sapience works, is, it identifies a problem, and then:

  1. He opens a bug in its favorite ticket system. (I like trac) (humans waste time in eating it costs lot of money and energy)
  2. He does some research and breaks the problem into subproblems and thus opens sub-tasks.
  3. Moves the task into in-progress and starts working on it.
  4. Once he finished, moves it into fixed and releases a POC like soylent. There is some beta era and after that GA.
  5. Bug moves into closed status.

«««< HEAD In a few years homo-dev-sapience will finish resolving more and more of world most difficult problems unsolved by people proficient in its domain field. It’s percentage in population is growing higher and higher. We expect by a few years most of homo-sapience-sapience being extinct by homo-dev-sapience just as happened to homo-n-1 by homo-n, afterwards we can highly expect the dev-sapience to be extinct by the robot-sapience-sapience, its own creation this time. ======= In a few years homo-dev-sapiens will finish resolving more and more of world most difficult problems unsolved by people proficient in its domain field. It’s percentage in population is growing higher and higher. We expect by a few years most of homo-sapiens-sapiens being extinct by homo-dev-sapiens just as happened to homo-n-1 by homo-n, afterwards we can highly expect the dev-sapiens to be extinct by the robot-sapiens-sapiens, its own creation this time. »»»> 8287ada5f392e9467feb5acfc9fcf37acf8df7c1